Healthy Time

​​​​​​​​​​​​Ameer Kabour, MD, FACC
​​​​​​​​​​​​President & CEO of Toledo Cardiology ​Consultants
Cardiology Chief, Mercy St. Vincent Medical Center.
President, CEO, Cardiovascular Physicians Management, LLC.
President, Toledo Cardiology Consultant’s, Inc.
Director, Non Invasive and Interventional Cardiovascular Services at St. Vincent Medical center.
President cardiovascular Diagnostic Institute, LLC.
President, Mobile Cardiac Imaging, LLC.
President, Midwest Modern Imaging, LLC.
President, Cardiovascular Research Center, LLC.
President, 3K Pictures, LLC.
Assistant Profeessor, University of Toledo Medical Center
Chief Medical Officer, Mercy St. Vincent Medical Center
Former Chief of Staff, Mercy St. Vincent Medical Center
​​​​​​​​​​​​Mohammed Alkhateeb, MD, FACC
Director Non Invasive Cardiology,
Mercy St. Vincent Medical Center.
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Tarif Kanaan, MD, FACC
Co-Director Invasive & Interventional Cardiology
Mercy St. Vincent Medical Center
​Mark O'Connor, MD, FACC.
Co-Director Electrophysiology Laboratory
Mercy St. Vincent Medical Center

Mohammed Yousuf Kanjwal, M.D.
Electrophysiology Expertise:
- Atrial Fibrillation and other complex ablation
- Ventricular tachycardia premature complex ablation
​Raza Hashmi, MD, FACC
Co - Director Heart Failure Clinic
​Mercy St. Vincent Medical center and Mercy St. Charles Hospital
​Syed Sohail Ali, MD, FACC
General and Interventional Cardiology
​Mohammed S. Alo, DO
General and Invasive Cardiology