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​​​​​​​​​​​Mohammed Taleb, M.D.



  • July 2012-upto June 2013   UT-Medical Center

                                                   Department of Cardiovascular Disease

                                                   Interventional Cardiology Program                 Toledo, OH


  • July 2009-Upto June 2012   UT-Medical Center

                                                   Department of Cardiovascular Disease          Toledo, OH


  • July 2006- June 2009           UT-Medical Center                                            Toledo, OH

                                                   Department of internal medicine

                                                   Residency Program in Internal Medicine


  •  June 2004- June 2006         American University of Beirut                          Beirut, Lebanon

                                                   Department of General Surgery

                                                   Residency Program in General Surgery and Cardiothoracic surgery


  • June 2003- June 2004         Hammoud University Medical Center              Saida, Lebanon

                                                  Rotating Internship


  • Sep 1997- June 2003          Beirut Arab University                                       Beirut, Lebanon

                                                  Department of Medicine

                                                  MD degree in Doctor of Medicine


Extramural electives:


  •  Jan 2004                            Mayo clinic                                                          Rochester, MN

                                                  Department of Surgery

                                                  Elective in General Surgery

  •  Feb 2004                           Baylor College of medicine                                 Houston, TX

                                                 Department of Surgery

                                                 Elective in General Surgery



Awards and Honors:


  • Intern of the Year Award June    2007                                                         UT-Medical Center


  • Peter White Award For Excellence in Scholastic Activity April 2008         UT-Medical Center


  • W.Henrich Outstanding Academic Achievement Award June 2008          UT-Medical Center


  • Thomas Walsh Award for Excellence in Research    May 2012                  UT-Medical Center



Research And Articles:




1-Infective endocarditis and the new AHA guideline.

Geriatrics. 2008 Aug; 63(8):12-9. Review.


2-A Role for embolic protection in the management of acute lower limb ischemia

Tech Vasc Interv Radiol. 2011 Jun; 14(2):75-9. Review.


3-Stent Fracture: Clinical perspective.

Treatment Strategies. 2011 Dec: 1(2).58-64. Review.


4-Multiple Coronary to Pulmonary Artery Fistula: A case report and review of literature.

Cardiovasc Interv Ther Feb 13, 2012.


5-Meta-analysis of the Accuracy of Doppler Echocardiography in the Assessment of Pulmonary Artery systolic Pressure.

Echocardiography. In Press.


6-Successful percutaneous coronary intervention through unintentional sheath placement in the inferior epigastric artery. Cardiovasc Inter Ther Aug 9, 2012.


7-Elicit narcotic injection masquerading as acute pulmonary embolism. Vascular Medicine. In Press.


8- The Usefulness of 3D-Echocardiography with Definity Contrast in the Diagnosis of LV Thrombus Resulting in Cerebrovascular Accident. Echocardiography. Submitted.


9-Methaemoglobinaemia after Benzocaine Spray during a Transesophageal Echocardiography: A case report and literature review.

American Journal of Cardiology. Submitted


10- A Review of Current Technologies for Thromboembolism Management. Journal of invasive cardiology. Submitted.


Book Chapters


1-Percutaneus Management of Atherosclerotic Renal Artery Stenosis. Endovascular Interventions: A Case based approach to methods and procedures
Editors: Robert S. Dieter, Raymond Dieter, III, Dr. Raymond Dieter, Jr., Aravinda Nanjundappa


2- Percutaneus Management of Renal artery Fibromuscular Dysplasia. Endovascular Interventions: A case based approach to methods and procedures
Editors: Robert S. Dieter, Raymond Dieter, III, Dr. Raymond Dieter, Jr., Aravinda Nanjundappa.




1- Meta-analysis of the Accuracy of Doppler Echocardiography in the Assessment of Pulmonary Artery systolic Pressure.

Heart Failure Society of America-Poster-September 2010


2- Comparison of Quantitative Programs for Analysis of Myocardial Perfusion

Nuclear cardiology meeting-oral presentation-May, 2009


3-Giant interatrial septal aneurysm mimicking a left atrial mass

American College of Cardiology-Ohio Chapter-Poster-Oct, 2009


 4-Carcinoid Heart Disease with Right to Left Shunt across a Patent Foramen Ovale: A case report and review of literature

 American College of Cardiology-Ohio Chapter-Poster-oct, 2009


5- Spontaneous Post partum Coronary Artery Dissection: Two case reports and review of literature

American College of Cardiology-Ohio Chapter-Poster-oct, 2011


6- Successful percutaneous coronary intervention through unintentional sheath placement in the inferior epigastric artery.

American College of Cardiology-Ohio Chapter-Poster-oct, 2011


7-A case of chest discomfort and palpitations.

American College of Cardiology-Ohio Chapter-Poster-oct, 2011




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